
Learn more about me

UI/UX & Graphic Designer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

  • Birthday: 1 May 1995
  • Website: www.example.com
  • Phone: +123 456 7890
  • City: New York, USA
  • Age: 30
  • Degree: Master
  • PhEmailone: email@example.com
  • Freelance: Available

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HTML 100%
CSS 90%
JavaScript 75%
PHP 80%
WordPress/CMS 90%
Photoshop 55%


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Saul Goodman

Ceo & Founder

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Sara Wilsson


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Jena Karlis

Store Owner

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Matt Brandon


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John Larson


Executive Biography

Connie Johnson, Ed.D.

Dr. Connie Johnson previously served as Chancellor and Provost of Colorado Technical University (CTU), leading the areas of accreditation, institutional effectiveness and assessment. During her tenure at CTU, Connie successfully led regional and programmatic accreditation initiatives, thought leadership initiatives, adaptive (AI) learning technology research and implementation. Additionally, effectively leading a large team through changes experienced in 2020 due to the pandemic included managing leaders, managers and staff virtually as well as pivoting and implementing changes in strategy and initiatives.

Connie’s area of published research and scholarship include the impact of data analytics to inform decision-making and the effective implementation and scaling of digital tools in online programs.

Connie has served in higher education for over 30 years with experience in administration, effectively managing an annual 45M budget, as well as all operations related to academics. Additionally, Connie has extensive experience overseeing college curriculum including business, computer science, cybersecurity and criminal justice. She is also a trained peer evaluator and team chair for the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), has completed and served as a facilitator in the ACE Chief Academic Officer Institute, and has served for six years as a member of the Board of Directors of of ACAO (Association of Chief Academic Officers).

In her 11 year tenure as Provost, Connie participated in and presented to the CTU Board of Trustees and also has extensive presentation and panel experience involving higher education organizations and colleges such as the University of Central Florida, University of North Carolina, University of San Diego and Excelsior College.

Prior to entering the higher education space, Connie was a licensed financial professional working with Kidder, Peabody & Co. and regional investment firms. Related licenses maintained included Series 7, Series 63 and Life Insurance. Responsibilities included establishing a related client base and portfolio management.

Her educational background includes a Doctorate of Education, Organizational Leadership emphasis (2010), a Master of Business Administration in Management (1991) both from Nova Southeastern University; and a Bachelor of Science with Honors in Criminal Justice from Florida State University.


My Services

Lorem Ipsum

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Sed ut perspiciatis

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore

Magni Dolores

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Nemo Enim

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Modi nostrum vel laborum. Porro fugit error sit minus sapiente sit aspernatur


Connie Johnson, Ed.D.

Johnson, Connie (2023) Panel: AI: Vision and Strategy, How Does AI Change Higher Education workshop

Johnson, Connie (2022) Presentation: CTU Messenger and Adaptive Learning, ASU Remote Faculty conference

Johnson, Connie & Monroe, Kara (2022) Panel: Supporting and Managing Staff in the New Normal, WCET Annual meeting

Johnson, Connie (2022) Panel: Leading Digital Strategies, OLC Leadership Network

Johnson, Connie (2022) Implications of the 2022 Data and Analytics Horizon Report findings for the Chief Academic Officer in Higher Education, Educause

Fox, K., Buban, J., Hurd, E., and Lynch, E. (2021) What Higher Ed Instructors Need from Digital Providers, ASU-GSV, conference presentation

Dziuban, Charles; Moskal, Patsy; Johnson, Connie; (2021) Adaptive Analytics, Integrated Domains, Revision, and Time, Every Learner Every Where presentation

Johnson, Connie and Farber, Ellise (2021) Digital Learning Heroes Award. Link

Dziuban, Charles; Howlin, Colm; Moskal, Patsy; Muhs, Tammy; Johnson, Connie; Griffin, Rachel; and Hamilton, Carissa (2020) "Adaptive Analytics: It's About Time," Current Issues in Emerging eLearning: Vol. 7 : Iss. 1 , Article 4. Available at: Link

Johnson, C. & Sloan, A.M. (2020, April 6) Adaptive Learning: Implementation, Scaling, & Lessons Learned. Link Educause Review.

Johnson, C. & Sloan, A.M. (2020, February 24) CTU Mobile Messenger: Communication with Faculty through Texting Link OLC Insights: The OLC Blog.

Dzubian, C., Evans, D., Johnson, C., Moskal, P., Howlin, C (2018). "Adaptive Learning: Context and Complexity ." ementor Emerging eLearning, , 5 (77).

Dziuban, C., Howlin, C., Moskal, P., Johnson, C., Parker L., & Campbell, M. (2018). Adaptive learning : A stabilizing influence across disciplines and universities. Online learning, 22(3), 7-39. Available at: Link

Johnson, C., Zone, E. (2018) Achieving a Scaled Implementation of Adaptive Learning through Faculty Engagement: A Case Study." Current Issues in Emerging eLearning 5 (1).

Dzubian, C., Evans, D., Johnson, C., Moskal, P. (2017). "Adaptive Learning: A Tale of Two Contexts." Current Issues in Emerging eLearning, (1).

Johnson, Constance (2016) Student Driven Mobile Application Design: A Case Study. Educause Review, September 19, 2016, Link

Johnson, Constance and Ford, Cristi (2016) CTU and UMUC Collaborate on Adaptive Learning and Everyone Benefits, September 3, 2016, Link

Johnson, Constance (2016) It Takes a Village to Bring Adaptive Technology to Scale. EdSurge, July 26, 2016 Link

Johnson, Constance (2016) Adaptive Learning Platforms: Creating a Path for Success. Educause Review, March 7, 2016 Link

Johnson, Constance (2015) Adaptive Learning: An Evolutionary and Revolutionary Way to Teach, Presentation: WCET Annual Meeting.

Johnson, Constance (2015) Impactful Innovation Driven by Adaptive Learning, Presentation: Educause Annual Conference

Johnson, Constance (2015) Adaptive Learning and Fast Track Challenge Exams. Dantes (Department of Defense) newsletter May 4, 2015, Link

Johnson, Constance and Troka, Tonya (2015) It Works: Efficacy Evidence for the use of Adaptive Learning. Presentation: North Central Association Higher Learning Commission Annual Meeting

Johnson, Constance and Pingrey, Sarah (2014) Intellipath for MBA Preparation. Posted October, 15, 2014, Link

Johnson, Constance (2014) Adaptive Learning Technology and Curriculum at Colorado Technical University. Edcetera Posted April 15, 2014 Link

Johnson, Constance and Manzer, Robert (2014) Intellipath: technology integrates art & science of teaching in the classroom effectively. Presentation: North Central Association Higher Learning Commission Annual Meeting.

Johnson, Constance (2013) Adaptive Learning Presentation: AAACE (American Association of Adult and Continuing Education) Annual Meeting.

Johnson, Constance and Davis, Christopher (2013) Deconstructing the Role of Faculty Leadership and Administration. Presentation: North Central Association Higher Learning Commission Annual Meeting.

Johnson, Constance (2013) Technology in the Classroom for Personalized Learning, Posted March 18, 2013, Link

Johnson, Constance (2013) Six Reasons to Go Global, Posted March 6, 2013, Link

Johnson, Constance (2013) 3 C's to Ensure Success in the Classroom, Posted February 11, 2013 Link

Johnson, Constance (2012). Holding Academic Leadership Accountable, Posted November 15, 2012, http://www.coloradotech.edu/Student-Life/CTU-Blog/November-2012/Academic-Leadership

Johnson, Constance and Dulabaum, Nina (2011). An Innovative Model for Guiding and Mentoring Faculty: Online and Face to Face. Presentation SLOAN-C conference, Orlando, Florida

Johnson, Constance. (2010). A Mentoring Program for College Freshman At Risk: An Evaluative Study, Applied Dissertation, Nova Southeastern University.

REFERENCES: Available Upon Request


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